Showing posts from 2020Show all
Top 10 new year's resolutions
Yoga session to wake up your body and mind
Short yoga break to improve your mood and feel stronger
Lessons that 2020 taught me
Time management tricks and most efficient tips to face pressure at work
 Dear best friend: Thank you for being in my life
Most obvious warning signs that you are dealing with a narcissist
 I loved Colossal but there is one thing missing
Taylor Swift most beautiful lyrics from Evermore
15 years since my father passed away and I miss him every day
 List of things that must be in your bag
 Mistakes to avoid after graduation
Easy steps to enjoy a  balanced lifestyle
Toxic friendship that you should terminate without regret
Tips to overcome the lockdown effects
Spice up your Instagram stories with these GIFS
 low impact workout that you can do daily no matter your fitness level
My visit to Aisha Fahmy Palace in Cairo