Discover the healing powers of slow breathing: Sweet 16 of the 30 Day Yoga Journey with Adriene

It's a brand new day that gives us the chance to find out more about ourselves, provide our souls with love, and take care of our minds. Today's yoga session with the beautiful Adriene is titled (Discipline).

This yoga class represents the perfect start of the second half of this amazing yoga journey.

Adriene introduced us to a new technique called (breath ratio), I really love it, it allowed me to feel more conscious and have more control over my thoughts and feelings.

Slow breathing has powerful healing effects on the body and the spirit, it anchors you, it helps give attention to yourself and it allows you to listen to your soul.

It was a marvelous feeling that thousands of people around the globe are doing the same breathing pattern as me. The feeling of being connected is indescribable. I can't find words to describe this pure joy.

Today's yoga session wasn't physically demanding, I was wearing my socks, and it was on the ground but it helped me feel more refreshed and I enjoyed the stretchy poses.

I felt that the inhale is for expansion, to welcome new and positive energies, and that the exhale is to let go of anything that is bothering me or heavy on my heart.

Adriene wrote in the email (it is a classroom, designed to support you and help you feel good) that's extremely accurate.

I'm grateful for yoga and for Adriene, this journey is a gift, it's a source of beauty and light. I still suffer from waves of uncertainty and sadness, but committing to yoga, trusting this process, and believing in my progress, all of these steps allow me to quickly step out of any bad place.

Let's celebrate being alive and appreciate that we're safe and healthy, celebrate our loved ones, and focus on our blessings.

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Yoga with Adriene

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