Taking control with Day 21 of the 30 Day Yoga Journey

It's Day 21 of BREATH… I'm so excited… I'm grateful for this yoga journey, Adriene taught me a lot of beautiful things. She taught me to be present, to listen, and to appreciate every moment.

I'm eternally thankful, I'm letting go of my toxic habit, which is rushing, not enjoying, being in a hurry, not slowing down, I'm learning to focus on my breath, be aware, focus on the beauty, focus on love.

Love for me, love for everyone, love for life, I'm blooming, I'm becoming more optimistic, stronger (not only physically but also mentally).

Today's yoga session is titled (Control) you can find it on this link, it warmed my body on this cold winter morning.

Adriene's mantra is (Find What Feels Good), I think everyone could feel motivated by this mantra.

She wrote in today's email (Think of not only WHAT we are doing, but HOW you are doing it.)

I enjoyed the flow of poses, I felt that I'm more aware, and more mindful, I'm learning to appreciate everything about me (even my flaws), and let go of what I can't control.

I'm giving more attention to how the yoga pose makes me feel, focusing more on the sensation and not perfecting the pose.

Embrace yourself, appreciate your process and give love.

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Yoga With Adriene
