I woke up today feeling excited that it's a brand new day, a brand new opportunity to do yoga. I have noticed that my lower back no longer hurts, my posture is better, and my face looks healthier. Yoga impacts my body and soul really well and fast, yes I still love cardio workouts, but yoga has magical effects on me.
I did the third day of BREATH, it's the 30 days yoga journey with the most wonderful yoga teacher, Adriene.
Yoga makes me feel safe and the purpose of today's practice is to anchor your thoughts. I have a racing mind, my thoughts are out of control but this yoga session helped me organize my mind.
I really enjoyed the breathing technique, it's called ocean breath. I loved it. So soothing.
I loved the warrior 1 and 2 sequences, and by the end of this session, I was sweating as if I walked for 5 kilometers.
I repeated the most beautiful mantra after Adriene (My breath is my anchor. My anchor is my breath.)
Now I can face the day with an anchored mind.
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