Give your spine some love and care with this amazing yoga session

Consider this post as a reminder to take some time to nurture yourself, self-care is vital and don't let anything ruin this process.

Today's yoga session with Adriene is titled (Yoga For The Spine), working on your spine health is something really necessary.

The spine supports your entire body, and we neglect our posture especially if we have a sedentary job, when we sit at our desks working on our computers the entire day, it can't be good for our bodies. 

This yoga practice is designed to improve posture, boost spinal health and flexibility, plus relieve any sort of stress and tension (which I really needed today).

Being more mindful regarding posture can enhance how we feel, because having a slouching posture or rounded shoulders can cause body aches, muscle fatigue and headaches.

Back pain is something that I used to suffer from before committing to yoga, and now I have it under control, I'm so blessed and grateful for that.

I really enjoyed going from downward facing dog to plank, it helped me welcome new energy to myself.

The wide legged forward fold made me feel powerful, Adriene described it as a conversation between the brain and the body. 

The toe stand was a bit of a challenge for me but I managed to do it, but not perfectly. 

Please work on enhancing your spinal health with this yoga session, it will make you feel more flexible and confident.

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