How I found calm with this much needed yoga session

Today isn't sunny like the past few days. I woke up earlier than usual and finished most of my tasks.

I'm trying to accept that no matter what you do, someone is going to find something wrong with you, or even hate you for no reason.

My guess is whenever I come across something like this, I should accept that I can't control how people react to me, or to my opinions.

One of the most important things that we should acknowledge to enjoy a calm and happy life, is that some people will be bothered by you, and that's okay, as long as what you do or what you say doesn't cause harm to anyone.

What you do when you face a bizarre situation where you find that your opinion caused someone to dislike you, say namaste and maybe laugh about it.

We're not on this earth to gain the admiration of everyone else, the best thing is that we treat ourselves with love and also be nice and loving to others.

I decided to speak up and say how I feel, without fear of how anyone would think about me later in this process of expression.

How I feel about myself is what matters, I used to be super anxious, and keep telling (no I shouldn't tweet about that) but I'm working on being more confident.

I'm not created to please everyone, and by expressing my thoughts, I will know myself more and it's the most important step for a self-discovery journey.

I used to be so focused on how people would react or feel about me, but I'm working to change this trait.

I almost went back to my super anxious state when I noticed that someone wasn't that pleased with my self-expression.

But returning to what I learned from yoga and focusing on my breathing, I even found the entire situation hilarious.

Today's yoga practice with Adrien, which is titled Movement Medicine - Calming Practice , is very important.

If you're struggling with many feelings and need to find calm, I completely recommend this practice.

This yoga starts on the ground and slowly prepares your body and mind to be more flexible and to find ease.

Adriene of course sneaked a forearm plank in this yoga session, and said playfully (didn't expect that, did you?) and I laughed, it was a sweet moment despite I was shaking and struggling with the pose, but this shake means I'm welcoming new energy.

I really enjoyed the yoga gate pose variations, Adriene always encourages us to take the information that we receive from the yoga session into our life off the mat.

Keep on being you and the right people will find how awesome you truly are.

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Yoga With Adriene
