Celebrate Earth Day with a Grounding Yoga Practice

This year, let's celebrate Earth Day by getting back to our roots and connecting with nature. One way to do this is through a grounding yoga practice.

Yoga is a great way to connect with nature, even when we can't physically be in it. By focusing on our breath and body, we can quiet the mind and find a sense of peace and calm.

I hope each and every one of us takes a step to be kinder to our planet and more conscious about the environment.

Today is a gentle reminder that it's never too late to give more love and care to our big home (earth) and also to our small home (our bodies).

Adriene designed this practice, which is titled Grounding Yoga Practice, to celebrate Earth Day and also to help in calming overthinking minds.

This yoga session helps in increasing balance and it only includes five *effective* poses that we can do every day to feel more connected to ourselves and to our surroundings.

Adriene wrote this practice can stabilize the energy and that's something that all of us can benefit from.

If you need to block some negative thoughts then I recommend this amazing yoga video.

Why is Earth Day important?

It is a reminder that we need to help our planet which is suffering from horrible pollution.

How can I help the environment?

Any step can make a difference, either by committing to less plastic waste or doing more recycling, what you do matters greatly.

Steps that you can do to help our planet:

-Reducing the use of plastic bottles as much as possible, either for water or any other product (using natural bar soap is a good alternative)

-Recycle as much as possible and use recyclable things

-Saying yes to reusable shopping bags

-Take the stairs instead of elevators especially if it's only three floors

-When it's possible, walk instead of taking your car

-Don't waste water and fix your faucets or shower heads

-Don't throw away food, find recipes for leftovers or don't buy groceries more than what you need.

-Conserve energy by turning off lights when you leave the room, unplugging gadgets and devices that you don't use, unplugging phone chargers after charging and shut down your computer when you're not using it.

- Raising awareness about our planet's health is very important.

On another note I made a short Spotify playlist with chill songs that you can listen to on Earth Day, you can find it on this link

No matter how you choose to celebrate Earth Day, the most important thing is that you take some time to appreciate our planet and all it has to offer.

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