Yoga kiss to start July with unconditional love

Today is the first day of July and you'll love greeting the new month with the most beautiful yoga session.

Before talking about yoga, I need to discuss something that has been on my mind lately, which is how we spend our energy and our time.

I try to focus my energy on love, and as cliché as it might sound, but the more that I give love, the better that I feel.

I'm doing my best to add something beautiful to other people's lives. If I'm feeling down I step back and isolate myself so I don't transfer my negative energy to someone else.

it drains me to see that many people spend their energy on hate either online or offline. Holding a grudge can impact you and harm you mentally.

"The words you speak become the house you live in" Hafiz… So please remember the power of your words on yourself and others. 

Also don't feel bad when you block negativity and hate, do what you can to protect your energy and vibes.

Anyway :) Today's yoga session is titled "Yoga Kiss | Total Body Flow | Yoga With Adriene" and it's 40 minute yoga flow.

It's a full body yoga practice but there's a part where it focuses a lot on the core by doing the "Low Boat" and I have to say, I struggled with it since my gore isn't intense. 

Adriene described this session as a chance to explore "unconditional love - starting with ourselves".

I felt so energized after this yoga practice, and I'm happy that I managed to do the entire session :)

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