A guide on how to deal with a copycat

Having a copycat is a situation that many people could go through and it might be extremely annoying. A copycat is someone who copies something that you do, how you look, or even your assignments.

This situation can vary depending on different aspects, for example, it can be a nightmare If you're an artist, entrepreneur or stylist and you find someone copying your projects.

Having a copycat can be very stressful, especially if they're ruining your work and impacting your profits negatively.

A copycat can cost you a promotion at work and can affect your creative process.

So, here's a guide on how to deal with copycats:

1-Acknowledge how unique and intelligent you are, if they're copying your essays or style or how you organize your shop, that means you're doing something amazing that caught their attention.

2-Don't focus too much on this situation, don't let this situation drain you, continue on doing what you do, don't let them stop you or alter your goals.

3-Try talking with them, only If the copycat is harmless, they might not even notice what they do, and you both can laugh about it and move on.

4-Keep your future plans private, most of the time the copycat is someone to whom you revealed your ideas or work to. Take steps to guard your art and register it if possible.

5-Consider the circumstances and act based on them, if they just copied your hair color or got the same purse as you are, then it's not really a problem.

6-If they don't stop then you need to speak up and confront them without being rude, and let your managers or professors know about what's happening.

7-Take legal actions if necessary and if your work is severely threatened.   

Stay calm and collected in this situation, you need to figure out every aspect and think wisely before making any move.

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Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels
