The actor who made Aemond Targaryen admirable: Ewan Mitchell

Team Green or Team Black? Every House Of The Dragon fan is choosing a side. No matter the side that you lean towards, we can agree that House Of The Dragon is one of the most popular shows this year. Even after weeks have passed, you can find people discussing what happened in the season one finale.

I was introduced to the show by scrolling through social media, I didn't want to watch it at first, to avoid being obsessed with it.

But eventually, I couldn't resist House of the Dragon, and watching edits of Storm's End made me captivated by the series. 

Nothing could have prepared me for the emotional rollercoaster that I experienced with that scene. I haven't read the books (they're not available in my country)

I felt crushed and I hated Aemond Targaryen. 

But when I finally gave in and streamed the entire show from the beginning, I started to understand the story better. 

Aemond went through a traumatic event at a young age, and he was mistreated terribly. 

Ewan Mitchell, the talented actor who portrays Aemond, gave a phenomenal performance, which made admiration and empathy for the prince a lot easier even after the battle.

Ewan appeared on screen for about 11 minutes but made every second of them count.

With the way he speaks, his stares, and his gestures, Ewan Mitchell brought this complicated character to life. 

He embodied Aemond in such an impressive way, to the point he makes me question if he's even real.

Ewan delivered this irresistible performance while wearing an eye patch, which definitely made the actor's mission more difficult but he nailed it.

In every scene, Ewan Mitchell becomes this magnificent prince in every way possible. He's how I imagined a Targaryen prince. 

The battle scene was nerve-racking and regardless of which side you support, the remorse that Aemond showed was unquestionable.

Gratitude is a must for HOTD team for choosing Ewan Mitchell for the role of Aemond Targaryen.

Ewan made Aemond Targaryen an unforgettable character that I can't help but admire and respect. 

Ewan Mitchell was interviewed by "The Face" recently, the interview is brilliant, it covers the things that we want to know as fans about Ewan's journey to embody Aemond.

it was thrilling to read Ewan's answers and get to know him a bit better, he talked about Aemond, the fans' bond to the series, his acting method, and worldwide reaction to his performance. 

I believe (along with numerous people) that Ewan Mitchell is the best actor to bring Aemond Targaryen to life (on-screen) and I'm going to list the top reasons to support my opinion: 

-Ewan felt calm on his way to the audition, which is a sign that he is the perfect choice for this role. 

-Ewan is completely focused on his work and it's very impressive to see a young actor with such extraordinary devotion to his work.

-He finds the make-up and costume designs inspiring as they helped Aemond become more interesting even when silent.

-Ewan is thoughtful about Aemond and the traumas he experienced: how his family doesn't treat him with unconditional love, how he lost an eye, how he didn't have a dragon egg hatching in his childhood, and being bullied.

-He follows an acting process that guarantees efficiency in his work, which proves his dedication and commitment to the role.

-Ewan is insightful in the way he embodies the prince and it shows in the way he explains the connection between Aemond and Vhagar.

-He understands the fans' connection with HOTD and how the fans see the show and its importance during this difficult time.

-Ewan comprehends Aemond and how the prince managed to become a fearless warrior despite losing an eye.

After this interview, I believe that my admiration for Ewan Mitchell increased, he has a genuine personality and a profound way to approach this difficult role. 

If you still don't feel admiration for the character, you can't deny the pure talent of Ewan Mitchell.

Ewan Mitchell in House of the Dragon (2022) still from IMDB
Ewan Mitchell in House of the Dragon (2022)

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