Green flags to look for in the start of a relationship

 When you're starting a new relationship, it's important to be on the lookout for any red flags that might indicate trouble ahead. But it's also necessary to keep an eye out for any green flags that might indicate a healthy and happy relationship. 

Here are some green flags to look for in the early stages of a relationship:

 You're both open and honest with each other.

One of the key ingredients to a happy and healthy relationship is communication. If you and your partner can openly and honestly communicate with each other from the start, it's a good sign that your relationship will be built on a foundation of trust.

 You're both supportive of each other.

A good relationship is one in which both partners are supportive of each other. If you find that you and your partner are always cheering each other on and wanting the best for each other, it's a great sign that you're in a healthy relationship.

 You're both willing to compromise.

No relationship is perfect, and there will always be times when you and your partner will have to compromise. But if you find that you're both willing to compromise and work together to find solutions that work for both of you, it's a good sign that your relationship is built on a foundation of mutual respect.

You both respect each other boundaries.

A healthy relationship is one in which both partners respect and accept their boundaries. When your partner makes sure to know your boundaries, then it's a green flag.

You both respect each other hobbies and passions.

One of the most underrated green flag is respecting your partner's passion, such as video games or collecting postcards, don't belittle your partner hobbies.

Respecting your history

Either if you have long history of dating or none at all, your partner respecting your previous love life is the greenest flag.

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Photo by Andre Furtado
