how to tell if a guy is interested in you

There are typically a few pretty obvious signs that can help you determine a man's level of interest in you. But every guy is different, so it’s important to pay attention to how he acts around you to know if he's interested or not. Here are some common ways to tell if a guy is interested in you:

-He maintains eye contact.

One of the biggest indicators is eye contact. If he’s constantly making eye contact with you, it’s a good sign he’s interested. 

-He wants to know more about you.

If a guy is interested in you, he’ll probably make an effort to have a conversation with you to get to know you. He'll text and call you. No texts and no calls mean zero interest. if someone is interested in you, they'll give you time and put effort in getting to know you.

-He remembers things you’ve said.

One of the most flattering things a guy can do is remember things you’ve said. If he asks how you’re doing with that project you’re working on or if he remembers your pets names, it’s a good sign he’s interested and cares about you.

-He goes out of his way to help you.

If a guy is interested in you, he’ll likely go out of his way to help you, whether you need help with something or not. He’ll want to do anything he can to make your life easier and will go above and beyond to put a smile on your face.

-He won't leave you confused 

If someone likes you, you'll know, if you find yourself questioning if they like or not then maybe they're not really interested. 

Of course, the best way to know for sure is to ask him! But  paying attention to these cues before asking him, should give you a pretty good idea of what the answer might be.

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Photo by Bethany Ferr
