what you should never do after a heartbreak

 If you've just come out of a failed love connection/situation/relationship, it's normal to feel heartbroken. Don't fight your emotions so they don't bottle up and create heaviness in your heart. Allow yourself to experience your emotions and they might teach you something valuable about yourself.

There are also some things you should definitely avoid doing to make the healing process easier. Here are the things you should never do after a failed love:

- Self-pity

It's important to give yourself time to grieve after a break-up, but know there's a difference between briefing and in self-pity. Don't consider yourself as a victim. Don't think less of yourself. Don't blame yourself. Don't think you're unworthy of love.

- Don't dwell on what went wrong

It's natural to want to analyze what went wrong in a failed relationship, but dwelling on the past will only prevent you from moving on. Accept that things didn't work out and focus on the future. There are only lessons to be learned to understand yourself and what you look for in love.

- Don't rush into a new relationship

Jumping into a new relationship after a break-up is rarely a good idea. Not only will you likely be comparing your new partner to your ex, but you also won't have had time to properly heal from the previous relationship. Give yourself some time and be patient.

-Take care of yourself

It's easy to forget about taking care of yourself when you're feeling heartbroken, but it's important to make sure you're still taking care of your physical and mental health. Eat healthy, exercise, and spend time with friends and family. These things will help you feel better and get through this tough time.

Take this heartbreak as a chance to know your value and how you should be treated. The way you love yourself teaches others how to love you. Don't accept to crumps in love. Don't accept the bare minimum. 

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Photo by Vera Arsic
