10 affirmations for this winter's last full moon

The sky tonight will witness this winter's last full moon. The full moon is a time to release old patterns in order to allow new ones to take their place. It's a time to let go of what's no longer serving you and make room for what will.

So if you're trying to let go of a toxic habit/person, then you might find the full moon energy helpful to make this decision. 

It's a time to cleanse and clear your energy field so you can attract more of what you want into your life.

I believe affirmations are important to empower your mind and to give you the necessary energy to pursue your dreams.

Here are some affirmations to help you make the most of this powerful full moon energy:

- I let go of everything that is restricting me.

-I am ready to receive my desires.

-I am thankful for all the blessings in my life.

-I am establishing new habits that are aligned with my highest good.

-I clear my energy field to welcome new blessings to my life.

-I am open to receiving all the abundance that is coming my way.

-I release all negative energy and replace it with love and light.

-My manifestations are coming to my reality.

-I am connected to the magic of the universe.

-I believe in myself.

I hope you find these affirmations helpful, sending love and light from my heart to yours.

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Photo by Ruvim from Pexels
