Niceness vs Kindness: Are they different?

Being kind and being nice are both admirable traits, but they do have some subtle differences. What is the difference between niceness and kindness? 

The main difference is that being kind involves going beyond just being nice and doing something meaningful to help others. 

Kindness is a more active version of niceness. It requires you to put yourself out there and do something to help another person. 

Niceness is a passive quality that doesn’t require much effort, such as simply being polite or saying something positive. 

Kindness can be seen as a long-term commitment to helping others and taking the time to understand someone’s needs and how you can help them. 

Niceness, on the other hand, is more of a one-time gesture.

Being kind is often described as a selfless act of caring and concern for other people. 

Kindness involves understanding someone else's fears and worries to help them in some way. 

Being nice is more about being pleasant. It involves being friendly and courteous in conversation, but it doesn't necessarily involve an act of kindness.

Kindness involves acting with compassion and empathy towards others, while niceness is a behavior that helps to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Being kind is an act of concern, and consideration for others. It involves a genuine desire and attempt to help someone else. 

Being nice is used to put people at ease. It involves giving compliments, performing simple courtesies such as saying "please" and "thank you" and being pleasant in conversation. 

Niceness is often done to make oneself look better in the eyes of others, whereas being kind is done out of genuine care for someone else.

Being kind and being nice is somehow similar because they both involve being thoughtful, considerate, and generous toward others. 

Kindness requires going out of your way to do something that will make a difference in someone else's life, while being nice is more of a behavior that is courteous, friendly and positive.

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woman holding phone
Photo by Sam Lion
