Positive and negative sides to being an overthinker

If you're an overthinker, like me, you're constantly worrying about what could go wrong, and you're constantly second-guessing yourself. 

A simple task can take longer time and more energy than it's supposed to. It took me more than a week to write a fan letter. 

There are both positive and negative sides to being an overthinker. 

On the positive side:

Overthinkers are often very detail-oriented and are able to see all sides of a situation. 

This can be helpful in different situations, from work to personal relationships. 

Overthinkers are also constantly looking for new ways to solve problems, which makes us very good at problem-solving because they think about all possible scenarios.

On the other hand:

Overthinking can be a negative trait. 

Overthinkers often worry excessively about things that may never happen and things out of our control. 

We may also have difficulty making decisions, as we are constantly second-guessing ourselves. 

Tips for being an overthinker:

If you are an overthinker, it is essential to find a balance. 

Recognize when your overthinking is helpful and when it is harming you. 

Find healthy ways to cope with your anxiety, such as exercise or journaling. 

Be patient with yourself. 

Overthinking is a part of who you are. It's not easy being an overthinker, but it can be a very powerful tool.

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woman thinking
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich
