Daily Stretch Exercise for Flexibility and Mobility

Stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and range of motion but there are a few tips to get the most out of a stretching routine:

1-Warm up before you stretch. A light cardio will do the trick. This will help your muscles to be more ready.

2-Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. This will give your muscles time to lengthen and relax.

3-Focus on stretching all of your major muscle groups. 

These tips will guarantee the best results from your stretching routine and I recommend this effective stretching session that is titled "10 min Full Body Stretch (Daily Routine for Cool Down, Flexibility, Mobility & Relaxation) ~ Emi"

-Don't compare your level of flexibility with anyone but yourself the day before.

-Each time you work on your flexibility and mobility, you'll notice an improvement.

-Don't force your body into any stretch. You need to be mindful and gentle with yourself.

Remember that the time it takes to notice an improvement in flexibility can vary from person to person. It depends on factors such as your current level of flexibility, how often you stretch, and the type of stretches you are performing. 

Significant improvements usually take consistency that's why it's important to maintain a regular stretching routine.

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