Wake Your Body With this Exercise

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with exercise. It is a lot of work even though it has a lot of benefits. So the other day I was asking myself about the ideal time of day to exercise to get the most benefits, and after some research, I found out there is no perfect time to exercise, but many experts agree that working out in the morning has significant advantages.

Here are just a few reasons why a morning workout can be beneficial: 

-You'll have enough endorphins and energy to last the rest of the day after doing it.

-You’ll be more likely to make healthier choices throughout the day if you’ve already started your day with a workout.

-A morning workout can help you sleep better at night. Exercise helps to regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, so working out in the morning can help you sleep better at night.

If you’re looking for a great way to start your day, you can try this morning workout, which is titled "GOOD MORNING UPLIFT WORKOUT - Wake Your Body With Feel-Good Exercises | MonikaFit".

MonikaFit describes this class as "the perfect way to start your day with feel good exercises that are low impact, slow and controlled so you can stay in your pyjamas. This morning workout can help boost your mood, feel more energized and be more productive. It is super beginner friendly and can be used as a daily workout or as part of a morning routine. "

Remember to listen to your body and don't do any move that you're not comfortable with.

Create a reward system to treat yourself after completing your morning workout. It can be as simple as enjoying a delicious smoothie. Knowing there's a reward waiting for you will give you an extra push to get moving.

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