Want a better morning routine? try this workout

If you’re not a morning person, the thought of working out first thing in the morning might sound like a nightmare. But the truth is, exercise is a great way to wake up your body and get your blood flowing. It can also help you be more productive throughout the day as it has been shown to improve focus and concentration.

Working out in the morning can help you make a healthy morning routine and to make healthy choices throughout the day.

You'll be also motivated to wake up earlier, which can help you with your daily schedule.

If you’re looking to improve your mornings, then I recommend this video "Morning Workout Energy Boost - Beginner Friendly (10 MINS)"

MonikaFit describes it as a "Morning workout for when you need a little energy boost to start your day, nothing too sweaty, just feel good movements to wake your body up and get your heart pumping. No equipment, 10 minute, beginner friendly morning workout."

How do I  mentally and physically prepare myself for a morning workout?

To prepare mentally and physically for a morning workout, begin by setting a regular sleep schedule, ensuring that you get enough rest each night. This will help you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. 

Additionally, it is helpful to mentally prepare yourself the night before by visualizing your workout and setting specific goals. 

In terms of physical preparation, start by hydrating yourself. Fuel your body with a light, balanced breakfast that includes carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscle recovery. 

By following these steps, you will be mentally and physically prepared for a successful morning workout.

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