60 minute full body workout for me time

I wanted a longer workout to clear my mind. There are plenty of benefits for longer workouts, such as burning more calories and giving you the chance to really push yourself and challenge your body.  It also provides much-needed “me” time (which was my primary goal). It’s a chance to "reset", focus on your health, and just feel good. 

So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your health and your state of mind, working out for an hour is a great option.

That's why I chose this workout that's titled 60 min FULL BODY FAT BURNING WORKOUT - No Jumping, No Equipment.

It's a low-impact workout and focuses on increasing balance and strength. 

You can take breaks to drink water (not so much water) and catch your breaths but don't sit so your muscles remain ready to jump back into the workout.

Follow your own pace and adjust any movements so they suit your level of fitness.

what happens to the body when you do 60 minute full body workout?

-The heart rate increases, promoting better cardiovascular health.

-Muscles are engaged and worked, leading to increased strength and endurance. 

-Blood flow to the muscles increases, delivering oxygen and nutrients while removing waste products. 

-The body also releases endorphins, providing a sense of well-being and reducing stress. 

-The workout can lead to improved flexibility, coordination, and balance. 

A 60-minute full body workout has multiple positive effects on the body's cardiovascular system, muscles, and mental well-being.

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