Online Disinhibition: My Social Media Break

I decided to take a break from social media (especially Twitter) a few days ago, I usually take regular breaks from social media but this one was because of experiencing the increased impact of "Online Disinhibition".

I know what you are thinking, that it is not smart for a blogger to take a break from social media as it is the most effective way to increase my blog views and connect with my audience, but I had to put myself and my well-being first.

Over the past few months, I noticed a significant increase in online hostility, people were constantly engaging in heated arguments, spreading hate, and attacking others for their opinions. It was disheartening to exist in this toxic environment.

The Rise of Online Disinhibition:

Online disinhibition refers to the phenomenon where people feel liberated from the consequences of their actions and say or do things they would never consider in face-to-face interactions. 

The absence of immediate feedback, the feeling of dissociative anonymity, and the minimized sense of authority contribute to this effect. 

Understanding Online Disinhibition :

 Dr. John Suler, a renowned psychologist, used the term "online disinhibition effect" in 2004 to describe the powerful combination of feeling both anonymous and invisible while interacting with others online.

When shielded by the veil of a screen, people often find themselves saying and doing things they would never dare do in real life. 

In face-to-face conversations, people must confront the consequences of their actions through body language, facial expressions, and the palpable emotions of the person they are engaging with. Yet, on the internet, people are buffered from these reactions, free to detach themselves from the human consequences of their words.

Also, some people adopt online personas that may differ greatly from their authentic selves and feel entitled to unleash their worst, hurling insults, and threats. 

There are six factors contributing to online disinhibition: dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic interjection struggle, dissociative imagination, and minimization of authority.

 This toxic combination leads to the emergence of a digital landscape where people feel free to cause harm and pour abuse that they would likely never express face-to-face.

My Personal Experience:

The increase in online disinhibition has left me disappointed and questioning the true nature of online communities. The once-promising platforms for connection and dialogue have become breeding grounds for hostility and harmful behavior.

The Toll on Mental Health:

The impact of online disinhibition extends beyond mere words on a screen. It can have severe consequences for mental health and well-being. Personally, I found myself becoming increasingly anxious and stressed as I navigated the toxic landscape of social media. 

The constant exposure to negativity and the weight of hurtful comments, not only directed at me but to other people as well, took a toll on my mental health.

Seeking a Pause:

I made the decision to take a break from posting on social media. It was a conscious choice to step back, recharge, and prioritize my mental well-being.

Moving Forward with Intention:

I will come back to social media when I am ready and recharged. As I slowly reintegrate into the digital realm, I will do so with intention and a renewed sense of purpose to promote positivity, empathy, and constructive dialogue. 

Taking a break from social media is a necessary step for me to regain perspective and protect my mental well-being. The rise of online disinhibition has shown the dark side of digital interactions but has also fueled my determination to create positive change. 

If you experience this virtual hate or know someone who did, remember being overwhelmed by online encounters filled with hostility and contempt is not a reflection of you being too sensitive or irrational but in fact is a complex interplay of psychological factors that contribute to the online disinhibition effect.

Online disinhibition is a growing concern in today’s digital world. As users of social media, we need to be aware of our actions and their impact on others. But as content creators, we have a responsibility to promote positivity and create a safe online environment for our audience.

Please support my blog by sharing my posts with your friends and on social media! also, feel free to email me, I would love to hear your opinions. 

Woman Showing Frustrations on Her Face
Photo by Yan Krukau

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