How a 20 Minute Standing Pilates Workout Transformed My Body in One Week

I am a fan of Pilates and I wanted to incorporate it more into my exercise routine,  so I chose a session titled "20 min Standing Pilates Workout | Tone your Legs, Thighs, Glutes, Hips, & Core" by Flow with Mira. 

I decided to do this standing Pilates routine every day for a week, and it was the best decision. Pilates is known for its ability to tone and strengthen the body, but what sets this workout apart is that it can be done entirely while standing. No need for any fancy equipment or mats, just a small space and a motivated mindset. I could do this workout anywhere in my apartment without moving any furniture around.

How did this standing Pilates help me in just one week?

The routine focuses on different areas of the body, each exercise was carefully explained and demonstrated by Mira, the instructor, making it easy to follow along. 

The first day of the workout was challenging, I could feel my muscles working and my heart rate increasing. By the end of the first day, I was already feeling the burn in my muscles. 

This workout not only challenges your body but also your mind, as you have to focus on your movements and breathing throughout the routine. 

As the week went on, I started to notice my legs and thighs felt stronger, and my core felt more stable. I also noticed that my posture had improved. 

I was amazed at how much my flexibility and balance had improved in just a week, making me able to hold the poses longer and with better control.

Apart from the physical benefits, this workout was a great way to destress and clear my mind. With everything going on in the world, it was nice to have a few minutes each day to focus on my body and my breathing. 

One week may not seem like enough, but this 20-minute standing pilates workout has made a significant impact on my fitness and overall well-being. I am excited to see how my body continues to improve with more Pilates and of course regular yoga. 

If you are looking for a quick and effective workout that can be done anywhere, I highly recommend this routine, but be mindful and listen to your body, take it step by step. 

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