My Wounded Queendom: collection of poems to share my journey with you

It has been a month since my last blog post and I am thrilled to return to blogging again after my long and unannounced disappearance. 

During this time, I poured my heart and soul into making a poetry collection that will reveal different parts of my life including heartbreak, childhood, grief, and healing. 

This collection of poems is titled "My Wounded Queendom".

As an apology for my disappearance from the online world, this collection of poems will be my gift to you, my dear readers, completely free of charge.

I decided to write this collection of poems at the start of the year and kept delaying it because I knew it would be challenging. 

When I started writing these poems, I felt like I was revisiting old pain but when I finished writing them, I felt a sense of freedom and healing that I have never sensed before. 

This collection of poems exposes my emotions, weaknesses, strengths, and experiences weaved together so my lovely readers will find something to resonate with and help them feel less alone and more understood.

Diving into negative memories, mourning, reflections on the state of the world, and spirituality took me longer than I expected and much more energy. 

I cried a lot when I was writing these poems. I had to stop following the news. I had to stop posting on social media. This process drove me unexpectedly into a hermit mode. 

"My Wounded Queendom" initially had more poems that I needed to cut them out.

I kept writing then deleting and repeated this process many times because I'm a perfectionist and I'm never satisfied with my work.

When you're reading this collection of poetry please know that each poem is a peek into the depths of my being, an intimate sharing of my vulnerabilities with you.

Thank you for your support during my absence by visiting my blog and emailing me. Your kindness fuels my passion and keeps me going. 

I'm very grateful to be able to share my poems with you, so I introduce you to 

"My Wounded Queendom"

"Broken twin flames"

They said we looked like each other

But your eyes are greener than Emeralds

And my eyes are darker than sleepless nights

I couldn't soothe your fiery volcanoes 

And you couldn't tame my wild hurricanes

But they saw through our twin flames

How we were made for each other 

Yet to never be together

"The trap"

I was too busy painting your world with glitter to see the trap you were setting for me

You wanted to draw blood 

And when I looked up

It was already too late for me 

I got punished for the sins of those who came before me

And you expected me to breathe when my heart didn't beat

"Stolen Innocence"

You were the only one holding the key

You poisoned me and took away my remedy

I counted my steps as the moon watched me leave

And I took one last picture to remind me

How you stole my innocence without even touching me

"Once in a blue moon"

I walked with the blue moon cursing your name

I told her everything you didn't hear

How you built a wall around you but wanted me near

Then you pulled me unarmed to war

She saw the beauty of everything you tore

And how you asked for more

She bathed me in her light

I was never the same after that night

"Shattered Kintsugi"

Shattered pieces of my heart turned into Kintsugi 

Something you didn't expect to see

I turn my pain into a golden armor 

Your weapons won't pierce me anymore

My soul is shinning like never before

"Temporary comforts"

I watered your plants after you killed mine

Now my sun will leave your garden

And my smile will hunt your daydreams 

Your regrets won't fade like smoke

When you return home with your temporary comforts

Stepping on fallen white leaves

After treating me with cruelty

"My day turned into night"

When the sky was roaring you were looking for me

You told me I was brave so you wouldn't hear my story 

My tears didn't slow you down

You didn't even turn around

When you saw my day turn into night

"Green memories"

I was wearing green when you were haunting me 

You hang my heart on your wall as a trophy 

You told me I was an angel at your loud party

Now I sit on the stairs when I hear your laughs

And I cut my hair to wash away your memory

I let you go with forgiveness

Hoping my next love will treat me with tenderness

"Last smile"

You came to my dreams giving me your last smile

You shined like the sun with a heart softer than a  river

Now I will have to spend the rest of my life without you

My cousin 

My soul sister

Trying not to regret every day we were apart

You taught me everything you know

You listened even during your darkest pain

No poem enough to explain

How much I miss you 

"You drew my name like art"

Two pages letter written with my heart

You drew my name like art

Your white Sharpie brightened my skies

I didn't expect you to erase my scars

When you turned my spring into magic

"My forehead kissed the ground" 

I prayed to God so you forgive me

But then my brother told me 

You had me near your heart

My forehead kissed the ground 

Where your secrets are kept with you

"The perfect image"

You were the first one to betray me

The deepest pain that will never heal

You paint the perfect image for others to see

So they never know what you did to me

More secrets to hide the reality

Tainted memories of everything you took from me

"Less and less worthy"

Walking with my head facing the ground 

Seeing myself how you saw me

Less and less worthy

To fit the cell where you kept me

Nothing I do is ever enough 

When I can never gain your love

"Invisible wounds"

Childhood made from sand castles 

Crying under my bed with silent tears

You tell them you gave me the world

After you turned me into a shadow 

Lost in a house painted with thorns

Covered in invisible wounds that will forever bleed 

When will I ever be free?

"Sleeping on sharp stones"

Searching for your missing kindness in other worlds

Sleeping on sharp stones

Surrounded by walls only you and I can see

You set my dreams on fire

Then raised the walls higher 

And told me I should be grateful

For feeding me poison with a spoon made of silver

"Million apologies"

When I turn the page you throw the book at me

I bleed and you blame me

Even a million apologies won't undo 

The nightmares you made me go through

There's one thing you never see

You'll never change me

"It doesn't feel like home"

I see the world through my angels' eyes

They never leave my side

I ask them why it doesn't feel like home

They don't give me an answer about where I belong

"Dancing with your sparks"

The path to my heart is softness

Connecting our fingertips

Dancing with your sparks 

Exchanging auras with tranquility

Now all you need to do is find me 

"Reliable mystery"

I confuse you like wild air

We meet in different dimensions 

To talk about our past lifetimes

How our souls have unbroken ties

Then I disappear leaving a presence you taste so personally

Remembered as a reliable mystery

"Howls to heal the world"

Wolves have eyes like portals

With howls that heal the world

Caring for their young and their wounded

Then to be compared with humans?

When all we do is destroy

Killing for joy

"None of us are free"

Their voices are engraved into my memory

I tried pretending not to see

How none of us are free

When the world is filled with so much misery

"I was too sad to say"

I'm grateful for my friends

The ones who walk away

And the ones who stay

The friends who left when I was too sad to say

And the ones who jumped with me and prayed

"Now I can't find you anymore"

I remember the day when could have fit into the palm of my hands 

You turned my unspoken loneliness into loud chaos

I gave you a name, my King

I took our time together for granted

Now I can't find you anymore

It was the hardest pain I had to endure

"Your reflection in my eyes"

I keep trying to raise my face a bit higher

Being judged doesn't make me small 

I win my battles even before I was born

Unblocking my words 

Listening to the unspoken

Staring at the hidden

Praying that someday I will be held gently 

Kissed every morning and every night proudly

To be loved face to face

Showing you my naked flaws

Guiding you to my soul

So you crave my heartbeat on your skin

I won't hide my diamond tears

So someday you will see 

Your reflection in my eyes

And you will love me more

When I tell you what I haven't told anymore before

Copyright 2024 by Dalia Farouk

I hope you enjoyed reading this collection of poems and I'm looking forward to reading your emails and opinions. 

With love,


image written on it "My Wounded Queendom" Collection of poems By Dalia Farouk
My Wounded Queendom

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