Reset your Vagus Nerve with this yoga session

I was feeling so stressed and wanted to do some yoga to feel calmer so I opened YouTube and found this yoga session titled "Seated Somatic Vagus Nerve Reset & Neck Release Yoga", it was the first time I had done a proper vagus nerve reset and I will explain how did it go in this blog post. 

What is the Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body, acting as a superhighway connecting your brain to your heart, lungs, digestive system, and even the voice box. It plays a crucial role in regulating autonomic nervous system, which controls things like heart rate, digestion, and breathing. Think of it as the body's "calm down" switch.

What is Somatic Exercise?

Somatic exercise is a gentle, mindful approach to movement that focuses on connecting with your body's sensations. It helps you become aware of subtle tensions and patterns in your body, allowing you to release them and promote relaxation.

Why Reset the Vagus Nerve?

A healthy vagus nerve is crucial for overall well-being. When your vagus nerve is activated, it can:

-Reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system.

-Improve digestion.

-Boost mood and emotional regulation.

-Reduce inflammation as the vagus nerve plays a role in regulating the immune system.

-Improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and calming the body.

Unlocking the Benefits of Seated Somatic Vagus Nerve Reset Yoga:

This unique practice combines the power of somatic movement and gentle yoga poses to stimulate your vagus nerve and create a sense of deep relaxation. The yoga teacher describes the benefits of this yoga session as:

-Open the Throat Chakra by promoting clear communication and self-expression.

-Release tension and tightness in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, restoring ease and mobility.

-Improve posture and alignment through gentle stretches and body awareness.

-Promote a sense of grounding and connection by bringing your attention to your body and breath.

Who is this practice for?

This session is suitable for everyone whether you're seeking relief from stress, looking to improve your overall well-being, or simply want to explore the power of somatic movement.

Symptoms you might feel when you have dysregulated Vagus Nerve:

- Digestive issues such as bloating.

- Dizziness or lightheadedness.

- Irregular heart rate or blood pressure.

- Anxiety. 

- Poor blood circulation or cold extremities.

Things that might weaken the vagus nerve:

- Stress

- Lack of sleep

- Inflammation

This yoga session is designed to stimulate the vagus nerve and promote relaxation, I instantly felt relaxed to the point I took a nap where I was sitting on the floor, that's why I suggest you only do this session when you have free time. 

It's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any form of exercise and if conditions related to your nervous system persist.

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